Month: November 2008

  • Okay, wowie, I am really not so peppy yet…. Pierro woke me up at 8:00 but really I could have slept another hour or two.
    We had a fun day yesterday. I hope yours was delightful too.
    Here is one photo
    This photo does not include hubby and my mom, they were in the other room… hubby was going through a box of phones we have (don’t ask, yes, we have about 8 phones not being used) and my  mom was picking out one that would work for her. She lost her other phone.

    This was taken on photobooth!

    We have no left over Thanksgiving foods here, I left the turkey with my parents, so I am making tuna today
    I also left with them,  all of the “buzzerts” as well.
    Happy day after!!
    I have to get peppy, that involves getting off of the computer, so Bounce!! peeps!
    I have plenty of things I desire to do and accomplish today
    no shopping

    People try to live within their income
    so they can afford to pay taxes to a government
    that can’t live within its income. 

    ~Robert Half

    #1 If I do not have your address, please message me your address. I would love to send YOU a Christmas card I have several of your addresses already.
    #2 I have facebook. It is in my name. message me if you want to be my friend and you do not know my last name or go to facebook and friend me pleeeez

  • I just had my eyes checked at the eye doc, a thorough exam, I have never had one of those. I was there for two hours, they took pictures of the inside of my eye balls and everything.
    My eyes are not too bad. I thought he would say I had a big disease but  I don’t. I am happy about that news.
    Then, I got some new glasses, they are reddish pink and very girlie. I never wear my glasses anyway, but these are cute and different. I got something called “progressive lenses”. I can see just fine far and near, but the doc said I could wear these if I want.

    Honestly, I have not had my eyes checked since…. 2001 and it was at some hokey place at the local mall.
    Back then,  I took the Rx to this optician and they made me the glasses a long time ago, well 2001. I brought those glasses with me today and they were in perfect shape because I never wore them.
    I know I am a terrible patient but really, my eyes are not that bad.

    They put some drops in my eyes and I feel like crap, like my whole head feels tight, and my eyes feel gloppy.
    I think I will do some baking now, then Bliz and I will go for a walk, so I can try out my new shooz

    I hope everyone is having a delightful day before Thanksgiving. Bliz is playing Christmas jazzy myoozik, it is quite pleasant and ….
    yuck, do these eye drops make you physically ill or is this just me??
    I am just glad I am not blind. Love always, moi

     Thou hast given so much to me,
    Give one thing more,
    - a grateful heart;

    Not thankful when it pleaseth me,

    As if Thy blessings had spare days,
    But such a heart
    whose pulse may be Thy praise.

    ~George Herbert
  • Thanksgiving
    is America’s national chow-down feast,
    the one occasion each year
    when gluttony becomes
    a patriotic duty.

    ~Michael Dresser

    I hope all of you, what everrrr you are doing or where ever you are off to, have a superb Thankies-giving.
    A safe one too. Do not go driving like a maniac on the interstate, okay?

    Today, I skated, then I went to Walmart and got some Christmas lights, then I came home.
    It is drab here, I think we have some rain coming. It is 40 degrees but not windy.
    I like cold weather a lot, but I hate wind, hate it.

    What are your plans for Thanksgiving?
    Blizkin is coming home tomorrow around noon. She is taking Amtrak to Arlington and I will pick her up at the Metro
    I have to get my eyes checked on Wednesday, I have not had my eyes examined in at least 2 years, maybe more.
    I know the doc is going to tell me I have some horrible disease… I have floaters.
    Okay so tomorrow I am getting up really early and going to Wegmans and buy a lot of food.
    I am making the turkey and several other things.
    I really wanted to have Thanksgiving at my house this year, but… I did not push it enough and it is probably better that we have it at mom and dad in Annapolis.
    I might have a New Years Eve wingding here and invite my parents to that.

    I am excitapated.

    Right now, I have a zillion things to do, and I would like to accomplish them
    I hope you are well and happy.
    Have a superfun Thanksgiving. Don’t eat too much, really.

    Well, here you go, the most ridiculous Pierro

  • Last year there was an address “To Any Service Member” to send Christmas cards to our brave military at Walter Reed, however, that address is not a good one.
    Do not send Christmas cards to Walter Reed. They will not get delivered. You can google it and see that the address is not good.

    anyway, this one is GOOD
    Send as many cards as you can!
    You can click to biggify:

    Hit this webpage and read the specifics ~~

    hey, I am being busy, doing stuff.
    It is freeeeezing here
    be well

    The government is the source of problems,
    not the solution to them.

  • Governments collect more in gas taxes than the largest US oil companies earn in profits.
    Did you know this?
    Our US and State governments tax us and profit almost 3-1 to oil companies!
    Guess who is going to raise those taxes even more on EVERYBODY?

    That picture I put here yesterday, of my skates…..
    What an awful photograph! I hated that photo so much I threw it out of iPhoto. Yes, I just tossed it in the trash!

    Presently I am full of Chinese food.
    We got delivery. sichuan beef and moo goo gai pan.
    hubby and I got each others fortunes though….
    mine: You take an optimistic view of life.
    hubby: You are a bundle of energy, always on the go.
    He is more optimistic than me
    he has never ever ever been described/associated with/or compared to a bundle of anything.
    he does have a bundle of brains though…. hmm

    Most of the businesses in my neighborhood are talking seriously about shutting down after BHO becomes president…
    more taxes mean higher prices, mean less customers.
    We have three shopping centers with several small businesses, locally owned shops.
    I would say 4 are seriously frightened about their future here in the B-lands.
    One business just backed out. Empty building.

    Well, Obama is off to a promising start indeed:
    1) creates international incident with the leader of Poland
    2) calls Nancy Reagan to apolgise for an embarrassing “gaffe” (false accusation)
    3) Installed Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff, a gesture that will foster bipartisanship and unity in America. LOL

    Gosh, I have not accomplished much this week-end.
    Let’s see, I cleaned half of the garage in the pouring rain – my half. yes, I will do hubby’s half next week. It just got really ugly outside and we had to quit.
    I need to put the yard tools in the basement and get the leaf rake from the basement. We have a few leaves… like maybe 100
    now that we have a fence I need to get those leaves out of the corners so we can mow them
    and I did some mindless cleaning up. around the domicile.

    I need to trim Pierro’s claws. They are getting sharp, but he is not a scratchy guy.
    Still I need to trim them.

    I am typing with a kitten on my lap.
    He is a very cuddly boy.

    These are taken with Photobooth on my MacBook Pro.
    so they are not the greatest…
    Oh, well, it is also evening here.
    I took this one yesterday morning when it was lighter in the house:

    yesyes, I just rolled out of bed. I took this and sent it off to Blizzie at college. She sends me lots of pics.
    so, this is the leeeeast I can do.
    Princess is 17 and a half now. she is so adorable.

    Here are some better shots of my skates, better lighting.
    as usual “click to biggify”
    that “crud” around the soleplate and the sole is not crud really
    It is wax to water proof the leather soles
    I do not have to wax around the heel plate because
    …. that is a bit of plastic on the bottom of the heel
    any leather on the bottoms of my boots I wax 2x a year
    That in itself is an interesting process
    Most people pay the sharpener to do waxing but it is easy
    and I am extremely picky.
    Now I need to go and do a zillion things because tomorrow is my skate day

    here is another one, gosh he is sooo adorable and cute

    I hope you are having a wunnerful wunnerful week-end.
    Well, it is over pretty much here.
    Hubby has meetings tomorrow in town.
    Pierro will guard the house… haha no not really. He is a fraidycat.
    What are your plans for the week?
    Do you have a busy one?

    We humans have had free will since Adam.
    God said don’t eat the fruit of that tree.
    He didn’t say, don’t eat the fruit of that tree,
    because I will stop you.

  • It is hot here. 65
    I have shorts on and a shirt with no sleeves!
    I am feeling peppy and I am not going out for retail therapy today.
    Yesterday I got my blades sharpened and the sharpener guy (my old buddy Tim) said my blades were very very dull.
    He sharpened them for $14 not bad. I just have to remember when I skate on Monday… I might forget that I had them sharpened
    Well, one thing I will notice, maneuverability on the ice will be slow, and I better watch my edges.
    crummy photo but ohwell

    right now I am doing some slave duties.
    I think I will clean out the garage after lunch.
    Pierro has been going nutty with the ladybugs in the house…. and he ate one! that made him barf.
    I better go now
    Maybe some pics later
    have a fun week-end.
    ps: send an email to your congressman, and senator.
    say NO to the bailouts!
    Rewarding the Big Three for misusing their own funds will not help anything.

    All of those business execs that made a couple of billion$$ should be bailing out their companies
    and former S&L companies like BHO’s  good pal Franklin Raines
    … …the problem is that Obama is beholden to the unions which helped him in office.

    So, I need a new roof on my house.
    Maybe I can take out a loan and then request a bailout to pay it.

    I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government.
    It is always oppressive.

    Thomas Jefferson
  • I did not do much today.
    Just a bunch of cleaning up. Hubby and I went for a walk.
    I slept 9 hours last night, and I am ready to climb back in bed again.
    I am leaving tomorrow at 10 for the rink.
    I thought I would share with you a photo that “Christabelle” took of me and my parents.
    This was taken at a rest stop in Virginia.
    Virginia has the best rest stops!! no fast foods, but lots of room to run and frolic

    They had a very good time. I am pretty sure they do NOT know I drove 95mph for a small portion of the trip home… well, on I-81
    The Garmin nuvi apparently records everything the car does… even speeding… by the uh.. driver. – Certainly not the passengers
    Yeah, I did. We rented a Ford Edge 4wd and wowie that car was sooo fun to drive. ooopsie
    of course hubby confronted me about this discovery
    okay, I am going to shower now and jump in bed.
    more pictures later
    you are loved

    It is easy to take liberty for granted,
    when you have never had it taken from you.
  • First of all, I am back from my trippie.
    It was …. wow
    I did all of the driving. I drove 1400 miles in 5 days. Saturday being the only day that we did local driving around Nashville… man that wedding was everywhere.
    Thank you Jesus for Garmin nuvi.

    now I am really tired. I slept pretty crummy last night.
    I will tell you all about it later.
    right now, I just want to sleep. a lot.

    Oh first of all.
    What the heck is this?
    The office of the PRESIDENT ELECT??

    what a glaring pomposity
    Someone should tell Obama that the President is a public SERVANT, not the ANOINTED KING

    [edit]: No other president elect has acted as if they’re emperor of the world.

    From the Greek Olympus Temple at the convention, to the “columnated”
    victory party (what’s his obsession with Greek/Roman architecture),
    he’s proven that he has delusions of grandeur, including this stupid

    Humility is a beautiful thing. Maybe he should learn a little.

    gah, I need sleep


    I won’t have to worry about buying gas or paying my mortgage ever again, right?

    Dang I am happy about that!

    “It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the
    strongman stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

    The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by
    dust and sweat and blood,

    who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short
    again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming,
    but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions,

    who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high
    achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while
    daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid
    souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

    “Citizenship in a Republic,”
    Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910

    I am very proud to have voted for the American Hero

    and I am very proud to be an American

    I can honestly say this is an historic win for Obama!

    I keep hearing these words in my head “The chickens have come home to roost”.

    I never heard of that saying until The Rev Wright said it.

    I had to look it up last year because I did not know what it meant.

    I believe that.

    AND it is time for This Man at This Time… on so many levels

    Let’s, all of us, find those people that do not feel like real Americans

    and help them FEEL like real Americans. It is time

    Let’s help them BE real Americans too.

    I am still having a bit of trouble with the spreading the wealth around…

    but that won’t affect hubby and me, either way… we are not rich enough… or poor enough.

    I will offer this advice though, be very careful with your money, prices are going to go UP on everything.

    so if there is something you WANT now, this is probably the cheapest you will find it, go get it.

    We will have stagnation, followed by inflation. (hmmm new custom skates?)

    Have a fun week everyone I am leaving for Tenn in a few hours

    no more quotes for a while. Go find your own!

    I have a zillionbillionmillion things to do.


    God Bless Obama

    you are loved always by moi
    next postie will be next week when I am back from the roadtrippie

  • I hope you are having a grooovy day.
    Beware: Well this is the longest postie ever.
    I got up early with the Fall time change.

    I had a fun day yesterday… drove to the rink on gasoline fumes! I did not realize my gas tank was near empty until I was driving over the American Legion Bridge (part of the Beltway) You see, I am a princess. Hubby loves to buy all of my gas now that he works at home. he spends a lot of time playing with the cars.
    I picked up a few gallons in Maryland for the drive home. I noticed I had a new gas cap, as this one is not connected by a plastic tether so I had to put it somewhere while I was pumping gas.
    At the rink:
    Doreen brought all of her left over Halloween candy and forced us to eat it all.
    Man oh man I was flying high on chocolate… then I started feeling kind of icky.

    When I got home, I carbo-loaded with quality food (figure skating makes you really hungry)…. then
    hubby and I went for our usual walk.

    We live in a nice community with loads of trees

     and it is pretty much like a park.
    we have about 5 miles of trails in the woods as well as the usual sidewalks everywhere.

    I frequently feel like I would like to sell our house and move somewhere else…
    different, smaller property, but we will stay here in this house for a few more years.
    I do not know where I want to move. Hubby wants to move somewhere out in nowhere.
    I do not want to do that. I am really a city girl… suburbs is okay with me.

    Our house is way too big, 3700 sq ft, not including the basement… maybe I should open a B+B. haha just kidding
    I do not think they allow that here. Oh well.
    With the economy the way it is… and the way it is predicted to go…. we will stay here.
    I like this house … besides I have my big fat piano here and I do not want to live in a squishy little house and
    give hubby a headache with all of that loud bad playing of the piano and also having our mountains of clutter all piled around our heads in a smaller house. We would be tripping over all of our clutter. We have lots of it despite that I give a lot of it away every month… it just grows like moss.

    Okay… I am very busy the next few days, Thursday around 11 am or when ever everyone shows up, we are leaving for our roadtrippie.
    My parents will get here after the sprinkler system guy comes over to their house in Annapolis and winterizes their sprinkler.
    Dad says they are first on the list.
    you can click to biggify.

    Christabelle is coming along too.
    I have not packed yet, I am going to do that today.
    we are staying the first night in Abingdon.
    I picked the best rated hotel in the area by checking ratings online.
    Abingdon is in Virginia about 44 miles from the Tennessee border (Kingsport)
    Hmmmmm So I will drive 6 hours, sort of, the first day
    5 and a half hours on Friday.
    Send good vibes. I am bringing my own puffy flattish pillow that I love, to sleep on at night.
    I am doing all of the driving. we are renting a Ford Edge from Budget rent a car (Dulles Airport)
    I hope my parents behave.

    Here is a photo of me when I was 17 years old. I lived at home, we were living in the US here and I was a hospital volunteer.
    I was excessively nerdy and dorky.

    My dad talked me into getting my registered nurses degree. I really wanted to go to art school but my middle sister did that
     and she ended up having loads of “problems” with alcohol and drugs.
    My dad did not want me to get involved in that, even though I was the obedient child!!!!!
    I was a bit naive though… a little bit, so I can understand his hesitation.
    While I went to college, I worked at a goofy steak house restaurant with a bunch of lazy apathetic co-workers. I did all of the work there…
    I also worked on week-ends at a toy store (that was not a fun job, lots of crabby parents threatening me if I did not go in the back of the store and miraculously find the scarce cabbage patch doll they wanted)
    So, those jobs got me through nursing school.
    My parents did not live here in the US anymore. They had moved to Brussels.
    My dad was clueless about college costs in the US, so I really struggled and I did not ask my dad for any money.
    Man I was dirt poor. I did not own a car, I got a ride to school everyday with this woman in my classes (also nursing).
    She was a very mean grumpy lady, always complaining about something. She smoked like a train too.
    Finally after our first clinical, she got thrown out of school because she totally flunked her first clinical.
    They told her she was lousy, so guess what? no more ride.
    I had to get to school and sometimes I walked and hitch hiked. I know that is very bad but this was back in dino days and there were not too many creeps in the world yet.
    Wow I was really poor back then, any money I made had to pay rent and food and stuff. I was living with my sister.
    She was in bad shape drinking a lot and just doing a lot of BAD things
    Finally I called my parents long distance and told them to come and get my sister. Gosh she was in bad shape and it was really compromising my education!
    So, she packed her stuff and went to Belgium (lucky).
    I had to move out of the apartment… I moved into a house of a friend of mine. A GUY!
    I rented a room in a house with two men!! oh gosh these two guys were “interesting”. they were always eating my food! One was a successful plumber and the other was… I don’t remember.
    By that time, my boozer sister’s car was out of the auto shop (too many crashes) and I bought it for $800 from my dad.
    So I drove that car until it started having some bad engine problems and sold it “as is” about 5 years later for $2000 hahahahahahaaaaa
    end of story.

    I think we will find a lot of surprises in the next few months.
    If BHO wins this thing, you will hear a very loud crash. 3/4 of the US military will also prepare for “retirement”
    So, he might have to institute the draft, which will be really popular and make many folks happy, right? hope and change, people.
    Get ready for a sharp left turn with BHO and his friends.
    Remember to continue to live on your own good moral principles.

    I will end here, as I must do a zillionmillion things
    I hope you have a great day.
    I am planning on it. Life goes on folks. I have lots to do.

    AND, I need a vacation! I am going on a road trip with MY PARENTS
    Thank you God I am so glad that Christina is coming along too. No really my parents are hilarious and we get along just wonderful.
    My mom is very cute. My parents have been though so much.

    I have to shop and pack today
    Tomorrow I will probably skate early, then we have video~chat with my parents.
    I am pumped for driving for a zillion hours and then being at my nephews wedding. I know that my oldest sister Dolley (not the boozer) will be there in spirit.
    Oh my, I miss her so much. It is hard to believe it has been 8 years.

    This is the longest blog I have written in years.
    just wow
    love always

    An astounding number of

    seem to be prepared
    to vote for their own extinction

    “Suppose you’re a voter, and you’ve got candidate X and candidate Y.
    Candidate X agrees with you on everything,
    but you don’t think that candidate can deliver on anything at all.

    Candidate Y you agree with on about half the issues,
    but he can deliver. For whom will you vote?
    ~Bill Clinton


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